These Top 14 Home Remedies Relieve Stomach Gas

Home Remedies Relieve Stomach Gas

Today we are going to discuss some home remedies for stomach gas. The problem of gas in the abdomen is also said to be air in the abdomen or gas, etc. It is also called gas and flatulence of the stomach or intestines. Nowadays, the problem of gas in the abdomen has become a common thing due to an unhealthy diet and sluggish lifestyle. According to Ayurveda, all the diseases of the abdomen are all caused by various things. Therefore, the home remedies can solve the problem of stomach gas.

home remedies for gas

The Gas disease is treated through Home Remedies. The gas disease is a disease caused by a malfunction related to the digestive system, not an independent disease. Sometimes the gas causes such sharp pain that the disease becomes serious. Not only that, there is a possibility of a lot of diseases when there is gas in the abdomen. So let us know why there is a problem of gas in the abdomen, what are the diseases caused by the gas problem, and how the domestic home remedies treatment should be done when there is gas in the abdomen.

What is the gas in the stomach?

Hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gas are released during digestion while eating food, which causes gas or acidity. Stool, gout, etc. diseases occur due to weakness of gastritis. Many other diseases start from this. Gastritis begins to weaken due to excess stool. When digestion is not done properly, the stomach air and vital air formed in the stomach are not able to come out. You should take Ayurvedic measures like Home Remedies to avoid gas-related diseases.

Symptoms of Stomach Gas

There is a pain in the stomach due to the formation of gas in the stomach, but apart from this, there are other symptoms that are seen in the case of acidity-


  • In the morning, when the stool comes, it is not clean and bloated stomach.
  • Feeling of stomach cramps and mild pain.
  • Pain with stinging and sometimes vomiting.
  • Headache is also a main symptom.
  • The whole day feels like laziness.

Causes of gas formation in the stomach

Accordimg to Ayurveda, an imbalance of nutrition causes many diseases, and by staying in their normal state, a person remains disease-free. The uterus is one of the most common problems in the abdomen, it is a disease caused by gas. There are many common reasons behind this which cause gas, let's find out about them.

  • Overeating
  • Excess production of bacteria in the stomach
  • Talking while eating and do not chew the food properly.
  • Stomach acid build-up.
  • Consumption of some milk can also cause gas problems.
  • Drink more alcohol
  • Mental anxiety or stress
  • Acidity, indigestion, eating toxic food, constipation, and taking certain medicines
  • Excess intake of sweeteners and sorbitol-containing substances produces gas.
  • Not having breakfast in the morning or having an empty stomach for a long time.
  • Eating junk food or fried foods.
  • Eating stale food.
  • Do not include yoga and exercise in your routine.
  • Consuming more beans, beans.
  • Some foods make some people gas, while some people do not make any gas like that; Beans, cabbage, onions, pears, apples, peaches, milk, and milk products make most people gas.
  • Foods that contain a higher percentage of carbohydrates than fats or proteins make more gas.
  • Food group reductions in food are not advisable, as you cannot deprive yourself of essential nutrients, often, as a person grows older, some enzymes start to decrease and some foods become edible. More gas is also produced from the substances.
  • The problem of abdominal pain is often seen even in breastfed infants. Such a problem arises due to not breastfeeding properly or by the mother taking a diet that increases gas issues. At the same time, taking spicy food, gourmet food, fast food, junk food may bring stomach cancer to children.

Measures to prevent gas formation in the stomach 

If there is acidity after eating food or there is always a gas problem due to some reason, then it should be changed in your diet plan, lifestyle, or use Home Remedies to prevent it.

First of all, know about the diet plan-

  • Because the gas in the stomach is a problem caused by digestion, the problem of gas is relieved by a diet of diets and a proper lifestyle.
  • Make changes in your diet- Take care of the number of foods like beans, cabbage, onions, however, before you stop eating these things, eat them a week or two to find out what causes harm to you. , Keep track of your diet.
  • Avoid sweeteners or sorbitol-containing products, which are used in sugar-free sweets and some medicines.
  • Tea and red wine also help prevent foliage.
  • Now it comes that what kind of lifestyle changes can relieve gas, such as-
  • Wake up in the morning and do Pranayama and Yogasana yoga.
  • Chew the food and eat it, do not eat the food quickly.

Home Remedies along with Vajrasana Yoga pose can  prevent the having gas after eating. To do this, bend your knees. Keep both hands on your knees. Do this for 5 to 15 minutes. Weak digestion power makes gas problems. Increasing digestive power will notform the gas in the stomach. Agnisara Yoga Pose activity of yoga will improve digestion by increasing the strength of the intestines.

  • Doing Vajrasana Yoga poses does not produce gas in the stomach. Agnisara Yoga pose activity of yoga improves digestion by increasing the strength of the intestines.
  • Do not drink juice containing soda and preservatives.
  • Drink more water.
  • Avoid junk food, stale food, and contaminated water as much as possible.

Easy Home Remedies to address the problem of gas in the stomach

  • Use of celery as Home Remedies if there is gas in the stomach:

If you have spasms in the stomach or the intestines, mix a little salt in a small spoon of celery and take it in hot water, it provides benefit. Give a little bit of parsley to the children.

  • Benefit from Myrabalan as Home Remedies when there is gas in the stomach:

You can treat gas by taking benefits from Myrobalan. If there is a gas problem, take a mixuare of  Myrabalan powder with honey.

  • Benefits of consuming Black Salt as Home Remedies when there is gas in the stomach:

Grind equal quantity of parsley, cumin, small Myrobalan, and Black Salt. For adults, take 2 to 6 grams with water immediately after eating. Reduce the quantity for children.

  • Relief from consumption of ginger as Home Remedies when there is gas in the stomach:

Cut Ginger into small pieces and sprinkle salt over it and consume it several times a day. Gas will get rid of the trouble, the body will be light and hunger will be open. This is the best way to get rid of gas troubles.

  • Help with Black Pepper and dry ginger as Home Remedies when there is gas in the stomach:

After one hour of the meal, drink 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of dry ginger, and 1 teaspoon of cardamom seeds mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of water.

Take 1/2 teaspoon dry ginger powder and mix it with a pinch of asafetida and rock salt and drink it in a cup of hot water. This eliminates the gas problem.

  • Use of ginger and lemon as Home Remedies to get rid of the gas problem:

Gas can also be treated with ginger and lemon. Soaking some fresh ginger sliced lemon juice and sucking it after a meal will relieve it.

  • Use of Lemonade as Home Remedies to get rid of the gas problem:

Take lemon sweetened juice regularly on an empty stomach every morning for two months. Coming sour and having a bitter taste of mouth will give relief to both.

  • Get rid of the gas problem using tomatoes as Home Remedies:

It is beneficial to eat tomatoes daily as a salad with meals. If eaten by adding black salt on it, then the benefit is more. But one should keep in mind that the patient with appendicitis should not consume raw tomatoes.

  • Get rid of stomach gas problem using Black Pepper as Home Remedies:

You can use black pepper to cure gas. If you have a headache due to gas, add black pepper to the tea. Drinking the same tea provides benefits.

  • Get rid of stomach gas problem with the intake of a mixture of Maize and Gram as Home Remedies:

A mixture of Maize and Gram can cure the stomach gas. Mixing a mixture of Maize and Gram in water and drinking it provides relief from gas problems.

  • Benefit from consuming cloves as Home Remedies in case of stomach gas problem:

Sucking a clove twice a day at both times after having a meal does not cause sourness. This can cure the gas problem.

  • Remove stomach gas problem with Aloe Vera as Home Remedies:

Although most people use Aloe Vera to enhance the beauty of the skin, it also helps in treating many diseases related to the stomach. According to Ayurvedic experts, Aloe Vera has a laxative property that prevents constipation from forming gas in the stomach.

  • Get rid of stomach gas with coconut water as Home Remedies:

If you are often troubled by the problem of gas in the stomach, then by drinking coconut water, you can get relief from this problem. Coconut water has medicinal properties that relieve indigestion and relieve gas and acidity. Contact the nearest Ayurvedic specialist for dosage information.

  • Apple vinegar relieves gas as Home Remedies:

Experts believe that apple vinegar can also ease the gas problem as it improves the digestive system and helps in digesting food quickly. This reduces the chances of producing gas in the stomach.


When should I go to the doctor?

The stomach gas problem is a common disease, but when its symptoms become complicated, and the acidity does not decrease for more than a week, it is necessary to consult a doctor. With this, you can protect yourself from diseases caused by gas.

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