Top 10 Home Remedies For Indigestion or APESIA/DYSPEPSIA



Causes of the disease:

The habit of eating excessive food and consuming them at irregular times causes indigestion. Besides, excessive consumption of spices, tea, coffee, alcohol, and food items containing heavy calories cause indigestion. Eating food too much quickly without proper chewing can also cause indigestion. Emotional turmoil, mental excitement, excessive thinking, anxiety, grief, sorrow, and humiliation can also cause indigestion.

Home Remedies For Indigestion or APESIA/DYSPEPSIA

Symptoms of the disease:

The symptoms may include loss of appetite, swelling of the belly, bloating, or feeling of vomiting. It may cause a decrease in interest or willingness in thinking or work. It may also cause insomnia or sleeplessness, bloodlessness. It may cause nausea and vomiting.

Treatment with Home Remedies / Medicinal plants:

  1. Indigestion or Apesia, dyspepsia is cured by mixing 15 grams of each- shilikha, (Black Myrobalan / Terminalia chebula), peepal (Ficus religiosa or sacred fig), and Saindhawa salt twice a day.
  2. Indigestion can be cured by taking the mixture of ginger juice, lemon juice, and Saindhawa salt before and after consuming food.
  3. Indigestion is cured by taking 10 grams of the juice of Doron vegetable leaves. It can be consumed by cooking or boiling with rice or making a paste.
  4. Half a teaspoon of the good mixture of 7 grams of dried coriander, 25 grams of Jaluk (black pepper), and 25 grams of salt should be taken after dinner To cure this disease.
  5. A combination of 4 teaspoons of Indian gooseberry juice, 4 teaspoons of Pineapple juice, and 2 teaspoons of honey and consume the mixture in the morning and after dinner, can give excellent results in the trouble of this disease.
  6. Indigestion is cured by chewing 3 or 4 leaves of Tulasi / Tulsi (Holy basil) with Jaluk (black pepper). 
  7. To get rid of indigestion, one should chop an onion and squeeze the juice of a lemon and add the mixture with food and consume.
  8. Indigestion is cured by consuming the following mixture: 10 grams of chafguti (fennel seeds, anise, anise seeds) or Pimpinella anisum and 5 grams of old Amlakhi/Amla/Indian gooseberry juice. The mixture should be kept overnight and the next morning should be filtered consumed after mixing it with black salt.
  9. Drinking coffee after a meal can be beneficial to get rid of indigestion or stomach upset.
  10. Moran Ginger juice mixed with Indian gooseberry juice consuming for ten consecutive days regularly cures indigestion.

If indigestion is caused by any special or particular food item, the following herbal remedies can be benefited:

  1. If indigestion occurs after eating rice, it is necessary to eat black salt.
  2. If indigestion occurs after eating fish, meat, and oily food items, then it can be cured with the following medicinal items. Take a quarter glass of Kazi Lemon (Kazi Nemu) juice.
  3. If indigestion has occurred due to eating sweets or any sweet food items, it is better to drink cold water. Add a little bit of salt mixture and it is beneficial for this disease.
  4. If the indigestion is caused by bread, cake, or food items prepared by applying Ghee, one should consume hot water and lemon juice.
  5. If the indigestion is caused by milk, the wound should consume Ghol (Whey). Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. Garlic consumption is also beneficial in case of indigestion is caused by milk.
  6. If indigestion occurs after eating jamu (Berry, Syzygium cumini) and peas, it is advised that he or she should eat shilikha, (Black Myrobalan / Terminalia chebula).
  7. In case of indigestion caused by eating mango, it is advised that he or she should be drinking hot milk which is beneficial.
  8. If the indigestion is caused after consuming cabbage, it can be eliminated by eating Gur (jaggery).
  9. If the indigestion is caused by consuming chilli or spicy food items prepared with a larger quantity of chilli, it is advised that he or she should consume oil. 
  10. If the indigestion is caused after consuming Opium poppy, (Scientific name- Papaver somniferum), it is advised that he or she should drink milk which is quite beneficial in stomach upset.
  11. It is useful to chew raw rice (non-boiled hard rice) if one suffers from indigestion after eating coconut.
  12. If one suffers from indigestion after eating the banana, it is advised that the person should eat salt or Ghee.
  13. One should eat the seed of ‘Mahaneem’ (Indian Lilac or margosa) in case of indigestion caused by consumption of Bael (Wood apple or Limonia acidissima) or Ghol (Whey).
  14. If indigestion occurs after eating any spinach or leaf of vegetables or pot herbs, eat the power of mustard to cure indigestion.
  15. If indigestion occurs after eating gourd or sugarcane it is advised that the person should chew ginger and eat the juice of the same.
  16. If one suffers from indigestion after consuming Ghee, eating ‘zamir tenga' is beneficial for it.
  17. If one suffers from indigestion after eating khichiri or khichdi (a mixture of rice and pulses, sometimes with potato and other vegetables cooked together with ghee or oil and spice) he or she should eat saindhawa salt. In case of indigestion caused by orange, it is advised that he or she should eat Gur or jaggery.
  18. If the indigestion is caused by Kheer or payas (rice pudding) it is advised that he or she should eat Gur or jaggery mixing with soup of pulses.
  19. If the indigestion is caused by drinking alcohol, it is advised that he or she should consume juice of old tamarind mixing with kuji thekera tenga (Garcinia cowa Roxb).
  20. In case of indigestion caused by consuming bitter gourd, it is advised that he or she should consume curd or lemon juice.

Good and healthy diet during the time of indigestion:

Doron vegetable leaves (Leucas cephalotes), Moran Ginger, Ginger, Garlic, Shilikha (Black Myrobalan/ Terminalia chebula), Kachkal/Curry Banana/Plaintain (Green), Mani Muni (Asiatic Pennywort/ Centella Asiatica/ Hydrocotyle Rotundifolia), Old Khar made with Banana, ‘Jilmil’/ White Goosefoot/Chenopodium Album, juice of ‘Bhedailata’ /Skunk Vine/ Paederia Foetida, Leaves of Bael (Wood apple or Limonia acidissima), Leaves of ‘Narasingha’/Curry-Leaf/Murraya Koenigii, Lemon juice, juice of the leaves of ‘Kalmegha’ / Green Chiretta/ Andrographis Paniculata are beneficial.

Bad and unhealthy Diet during the time of indigestion:

Tea, easily indigestible food items, pulses, potatoes, ghee, oil, fish, meat and drinking too much water, etc. are advised to be avoided.

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