Some useful Home Remedies for Anorexia or Loss of Appetite

Anorexia or loss of appetite is a condition when a person feels reluctant to eat or in other words, does not feel the interest in eating food. Anorexia or loss of appetite is usually termed as a symptom. Causes of the Disease: The disease is caused by constipation, weakness in the liver, overeating, and drinking contaminated water. Consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol, or other drugs can cause Anorexia. An increase in stomach worms can also cause Anorexia.

Home Remedies for Anorexia

Symptoms of Anorexia:

Symptoms of Anorexia include an unsettled stomach, having no feeling of appetite, swelling of the belly. A person does not get the taste in edibles. Besides, the tongue becomes thick and dirty

Home Remedies or Treatment with Medicinal plants:

1.           Anorexia can be cured by eating the mixture powder of 3 (three) jaluk (black pepper) along with a little daily used salt. The powder should be taken three times a day for three days.

Food photo created by KamranAydinov - www.freepik.com

2.           The anorexia or loss of appetite can be cured by the following process: Take some mustard oil on mankachu leaves (Alocasia macrorrhizos, it is a species of flowering plant in the arum) and pour it on the straw fire and rub it on the tongue. 

3.           The anorexia or loss of appetite can be cured by the following process: Cutting ginger into pieces and mixing them with salt  and then boiling them in water. After that filter the solution and drink the water. It removes the loss of appetite of both mouth and tongue.

4.           This anorexia or loss of appetite can be cured by drinking water mixed with lemon juice.

5.           This anorexia or loss of appetite can be cured by drinking juice of pudina or mint or spearmint (scientific name- Mentha arvensis) with honey.

6.           This anorexia or loss of appetite can be cured by drinking juice of Amlakhi or Amla, Indian gooseberry regularly.

7.           Triphala ("three fruits") is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal parts of three myrobalans, taken without seed: Amalaki or Amla, (Indian gooseberry/Phyllanthus emblica), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).

8.           Consumption of juice of raw radish leaves is very useful in curing anorexia or loss of appetite. The limit should be 25grams.

9.           We can reduce this anorexia or loss of appetite by keeping in mouth the paste made of black salt mixed with honey and pomegranate seed juice.

Good and healthy Diet during the time of anorexia or loss of appetite:

  Mahaneem’ (Indian Lilac or margosa), ‘Manimuni’ or Mani Muni (Asiatic Pennywort/ Centella Asiatica/ Hydrocotyle Rotundifolia),  Padina or pudina or mint or spearmint (scientific name- Mentha arvensis), Tulsi or Holy Basil, ‘Kalmegha’ / Green Chiretta/ Andrographis Paniculata, Shilikha (Black Myrobalan/ Terminalia chebula), garlic, termeric, Ou-Tenga / Elephant Apple, Koldil Banana blossom or Banana heart, Bhekuri (local name in Assam: Tita Bhekuri, Scientific name: solanum violaceum), Tamarind, Grape, Raw leaf juice of Wheat, Coriander, Clove- Scientific name - Syzygium aromaticum, Mango, Pineapple, Watermelon, ripe Bael (Wood apple or Limonia acidissima), Mishimi or Mishimi– tita, boiled rice from old rice and ginger are beneficial.

Bad and unhealthy Diet during the time of anorexia or loss of appetite:

 during the time when a person is suffering from the problems of Anorexia or loss of appetite, the person is forbidden to eat hard and dry objects or those objects that are not easily digested. He or she must neither restrict nor control any kind of Excrement for a long time. Drinking unclean or contaminated water is very bad for such person, Remnant food of the previous night or carried food is very harmful. Such person must not stay longer time near the fire or exposed the sun.

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