Best Home Remedies For PILES

 Top 23 Home Remedies For Piles

Piles are such a disease which may occur to anyone- a man or a woman, a small child or even an old man can suffer from this disease. If a person suffers from piles, the area of the intestine gets swelling. Small pear shaped infection or swelling can be seen inside rectum.

Home Remedies For Piles

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Causes of the disease:

This disease can be occurred for the following reasons: Liver disease, constipation, excessive consumption of food or overeating, consumption of highly spicy food, consumption of foods that gives physical or mental excitement, eating of forbidden food items. This disease can occur if the amount of water in the body is low.

Symptoms of this disease:

Small infections or swelling take place inside and outside the anus. These infections or swellings usually have not pain. Blood come out with the stool or in some cases without excrement. The area of anus highly burns, sometimes it aches badly. The stool gets tightened and should be repeatedly need to go to toilet repeatedly. Sometimes the gut comes out and blood is shed.

Treatment of Piles with Medicinal plants:

We can easily cure this disease with various locally available forest medicines.

1.           If this disease starts letting blood through anus, it can be cured by drinking the mixture of half a glass of round lemon juice with half a glass of milk.

2.           This disease can be cured by consuming the mixture of half a cup of sweet mango juice, 25 grams of sweet curd mixing with a teaspoon of ginger juice.

3.           The emission of blood or haemorrhage in the anus or rectum can be stopped by consuming the paste of onion, ghee and sugar mixed with equal amounts (25 grams each). The paste should be consumed for a few days continuously.

4.           This disease can be cured by keeping inserting a radish inside the anus or rectum for one night and washing the anus/rectum with radish juice on the next day.

5.           Consuming the mixture of 10 grams of Methiguti/Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum - graecum) seeds and half glass of milk is very beneficial and the haemorrhage or blood emission in the rectum area is stopped.

6.           Consuming hot Matimah/ black lentils or Urad bean, scientific name: Vigna mungo, a kind of bean produced in south asia with black seedcoat when unhusked) is very beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area.

7.           If blood emits from rectum due to piles, he or she should eat the mixing a little curd with 60 grams of sesame seeds helps in stopping the blood emission. Eating only eating sesame seeds (without curd) and then drinking water helps in non-bleeding piles. The medicine should be eaten thrice

8.           If blood emits from rectum due to piles, he or she should eat 1 glass of pure butter after eating mosur dal/Mosur-Maah /Lentil (scientific name: Lens culinaris) in breakfast. It is very beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or the blood emission from the rectum area.

9.           If it is noticed that the rectum is protruded or coming out the person should use castor oil continuously for one month. Doing this, the place dries up and contracted, and the person gets relieved from the pain.

10.     In order to stop bleeding from the piles, a person should wash his or her anus with a glass of water mixed with alum (fitkiri) and place the wet cloth after dipping in the same solution on the rectum or anus.

11.     In order to stop bleeding and get relief from the piles, a person should take a teaspoon of the following: anise, (aromatic Mediterranean herb Scientific name: Pimpinella anisum), cumin seeds, Coriander seeds and mix in 2 cups of water, boil the mixture till the half quantity of water remains. Then filter the water and add a teaspoon of ghee to it and consume.

12.     Regular consumption of the juice of Veldt Grape or Devil's Backbone, Scientific name:  Cissus quadrangularis) mixed with 4 or 5 drops of water is very beneficial in the problem of piles.

13.     For stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the trouble of piles, a person should take the paste made 25 grams of powder of seed of neem/ Indian lilac (Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica) with same quantity of honey.

14.     For stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the trouble of piles, a person should cut out six pieces of 10 inch skin of Nahar (Ceylon ironwood) tree which faces eastern side in the following measurement- 4 inches long, 2 inches wide pieces and the same should be and washed properly and made paste, which the patient should consume eight teaspoon for three days thrice a day.

15.     For stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the trouble of piles, a person should make paste of the leaves of Dupor-tenga/ Kalanchoe pinnata or Bryophyllum and place the paste on the anus or rectum for fifteen minutes.

16.     Consumption of the juice of raw lotus leaves mixing with sugar and butter is beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and gets relief from the piles.

17.     Regular consumption of ripe of Bael (Wood apple or Limonia acidissima) for 8 or 10 days is beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the piles.

18.     For stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the trouble of piles, a person should make paste of the root of the Karabi Tree/lucky nut or yellow oleander/Thevetia peruviana and apply the paste on the anus or rectum area.

19.     The trunk of Taro (Scientific Name: Colocasia esculenta) boiled with small chilli is beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the piles.

20.     Boiling of Ol-Kachu/Whitespot giant arum or the elephant foot yam (Scientific Name:  Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) along with the Tamarind (Scientific Name: Tamarindus indica) leaves should be made paste and consumed in order to get benefitted for getting relief from the piles. The gum Inflection of Whitespot giant arum or the elephant foot yam id also beneficial.

21.     Consumption of the paste of one teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice mixing with Ghee is beneficial for stopping haemorrhage or blood emission of the rectum area bleeding and get relief from the piles.

22.     For getting relief from the piles a person should take 10 grams of the middle portion of the seed – the portion which is delicate and soft like ointment – of Sonaru tree/Indian Laburnum or Konnamaram (Scientific Name: Cassia fistula) and mix the same with a little water and consumed in the morning. The paste can be applied on the anus area to get benefitted.

23.     For getting relief from the trouble of piles a person should made paste made of the following and apply in the anus or rectum area twice a day: Burn the seed of sweet mango and mix the powder with coconut oil and make a paste.

Good and healthy Diet for PILES:

Papaya, Ol-Kachu/Whitespot giant arum or the elephant foot yam (Scientific Name:  Amorphophallus paeoniifolius), Green Coconut water, Manimuni /Mani Muni (Asiatic Pennywort/ Centella Asiatica/ Hydrocotyle Rotundifolia), Datura/ Thornapples or Jimsonweeds or Devil's Trumpets/Datura stramonium, ‘Bhedailata’ /Skunk Vine/ Paederia Foetida,  ‘Kordoi Tenga’ Carambola. Botanical: Averrhoa carambola, Kohlrabi, ‘Bet-Gaj’ / Calamus tenuis, garlic and boiled rice of old rice.

Bad and unhealthy Diet for PILES:

Staying awake at night for long time, doing excessive sexual intercourse, stopping or pausing by force the urine or excrement or calls of nature, riding bicycle, riding horses, fasting etc. A person suffering from piles should avoid sunshine. He or she should avoid fried or burnt edibles, food with high calories or spicy food, Indian bean/ papaya bean /Butter bean/dolique lablab lablab purpureus, Puroi spinach/Pui spinach/ Indian spinach (Scientific Name: Basella rubra), fish, meat, gourd, products made of Bora Ricel / glutinous rice etc.

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